Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Madame Feinstein

May 20, 2008
Madame Feinstein,
Please take careful note of my salutation because the title is not one of respect. Quite the contrary, I am using it to portray the depths to which you have allowed yourself to fall in the hallowed halls we the people of California have for far too long allowed you to remain.
What better way to explain the latest fiasco piece of “tuck and run” legislation in which you have participated? Attempting to slide a one-hundred page piece of legislation pertaining to Amnesty for millions of ILLEGAL immigrants during the dead of night defies comprehension. To what depths have you sunk that the only support for this scheme you could find [trolling the dark halls and empty stalls of the Capital?] where you found amid the empty stalls none other than “wide stance toe tapping” Larry Craig of Idaho? Out of 99 other Senators was this the best you could do? A man who has no reputation left? A man who has sworn to resign more than once to the public on national television, but yet continues blathering on on a daily basis helping no one but himself, trying to hold onto his political life. Was this issue not put to rest last year with the resounding sound of OUR voices when this travesty was first brought to the floor? What part of the country’s outcry did you not understand? Was the crashing of the Capitol’s switchboard not enough? Was the overwhelming number of e-mails received not enough? Perhaps even the tons of snail mail received by the Capitol never caught your attention.
Whatever reason this public outcry escaped your attention matters not at this point, what matters now is the way you have conducted yourself against the peoples you have been elected to represent. You have violated that ill-founded trust by your actions for whatever reasons you have chosen and we deserve an explanation NOW. This is not a minor issue that effects but a few of your constituents, as you would have your fellow conspirators in Congress believe. What I would like to know, and feel many of my fellow Californians as well many millions of other Americans would like to know is what special interest groups you are now representing instead of us. What possessed you to attaché this amendment to the back of a War Spending Bill [which is bad enough in its own right] in the dead of night? Why are you trying to torpedo our country’s already shaky security by opening our borders to a new flood of illegal immigrants that would be sure to arrive under the asinine provisions of your new amendment? Did you even stop to think of the ramifications the provisions you were putting into this bill?
Rather than even attempting the fruitless routine of e-mailing or calling your office I am instead sending this letter out via alternative means. I have grown sick and tired of receiving your stereotyped, canned, pre-packaged generic e-mailed responses to my previous correspondence or petitions which I have either signed or sent to your office. Your staff is either unresponsive or ill informed and cared not a bit what people have to say; they simply provide a canned rapid fire response to get people off the phone as quickly as possible. [What better way to be able to have those “vital statistics’ as to the volumes and numbers of people your office “helps”?]
In closing let me say you have become an even greater embarrassment to our state. I thought that your low point had been when you voted to approve the now Attorney General, against any grain of common sense to a logical person who watched or listened to his confirmation hearings. But no, now you have perpetrated this in the dead of night, fitting because this is the time when prostitutes make their money. And you Madame Feinstein have become the United States Senate’s Number One Largest Prostitute.
Alan Stuart
Palm Springs California

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