Sunday, June 15, 2008

Russet Dead/ NBC Coverage

Congratulations and thank you NBC.

Thank you for proving me right in what I have been saying for many years now that your network would be much better suited as that of professional pallbearers rather than claiming to be "newscasters".

Perhaps you should consider moving your net work to China were indeed that is a legitimate profession and is at the present time seeing a shortage in professional mourners.

Poor Tim was not even cold and your team of "grievers" donned their bleary eyes, tissues, choked out sobs and broke out hours of stored footage always a hand to barrage us with "moments" in an unending barrage of tributes that still continue.

While I understand that he has left a major "vacuum" at your network you will be hard pressed to fill, I must ask you if whether or not you bothered learning anything at all from him?

He was but a man, a person I am sorry to say. Not a head of state, foreign leader, religious icon or political influential person assassinated in some horrible way.

He simply died. As hundreds of thousands of people do around the globe do everyday without so much as a "by the way", yet he was one of your own so we have been subjected to a never-ending eulogy/montage continuing even as I write.

You have allowed much more pressing and pertinent news of the day of much more value and concern to your viewers to slide the wayside in your self deluded, self centered, self aggrandizing selfish attempt to ensure you enshrined his memory well enough in viewers minds as to covers your past crimes of coverage.

You allowed entire cities, counties and states of our country to slide under water without even a word while you had person after person tout how wonderful and terrific an interviewer Tim was. 1,100 people escaped from a prison in Afghanistan and are still on the loose, but, the number of interviews Tim had or what he was doing prior to his collapse was far more important than informing your viewers. More of our soldiers died in both Iraq and Afghanistan but Tim's bond with his father was more important than their lives on these days, what misguided priorities. Malikies statements that he believed his country would not sign the pending treaty proposed to his country involving permanent bases and committal of our troops did not even warrant a mention during your continual monologue of Tim's prowess, not that this should surprise your viewers in any way as Iraq has fallen off your radar entirely unless it includes some more talking points provided by the White House. Al Sadir announced they would not partake in the upcoming elections and fight the occupiers, but yet pictures of Tim and his father were far more important to show on your screens ad nauseous.

It would have been bad enough had you dedicated only one channel to this nonsense, but no, you had to monopolize each and every channel you control so that no matter where one went looking for some relief, there was none to be found. Unless that is as a last resort, one went to FOX. Was that your intent? To drive away your viewers in your attempt to memorialize your icon?

In closing I can only restate my disappointment in your coverage of this sorrowful event and remind you of the simple fact that now matter how much you loved and respected Mr. Timothy Russet, he was simply a man. He will not be lying in state in the Capitol Rotunda, he will simply be buried at home in Buffalo like any of us would naturally be [give them some privacy, please]. And as you now ponder the demise of your other aging press corps members [of which there are many], please do not make this same mistake again.

Wherever Tim is now be sure he is looking over your shoulders shaking his head from side to side with dismay saying to himself, "gosh, I thought I taught them better than this".